January 25, 2017

Charlie's 39th Birthday

I attempted to make Charlie a true ice cream cake this year, not one of those ice cream cakes that's really cake with a little bit of ice cream in it, but a real full on ice cream cake.  It wasn't as impressive as I was hoping for but it tasted really yummy.

I just want to take a minute to be gushy and brag about my awesome husband.

Here's a guy that works his tail off for his family day in and day out, even on his days off.  He's constantly thinking about ways to improve in his profession, as a father, in his daily interactions, and as a husband.  He has an amazing ability to remember things he's read and heard and soaks up information like a sponge.  He's dedicated to his calling and he takes fatherhood seriously.  He's totally passionate about his family, including his parents.  Charlie is fiercely loyal to me in making our relationship deep and meaningful and eternal.  He steps up to the plate and takes over when I have to be gone on church assignments or meetings including getting the all the kids ready for church most mornings as I'm at meetings.  He's become a pro at putting the girl's hair in pony tails.  He has an admirable power to change the mood of the room and can put hearts and minds at ease.

Needless to say, I'm such a lucky girl to have Charlie as my eternal companion.  I realize how rare it is to have such a relationship and I thank Heavenly Father every day for Charlie.  He is my best friend, my all in all, he truly completes me.

I love you Charlie, and hope you have an awesome birthday!  Enjoy the last year in your thirties!!

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