I have to admit that my enthusiasm for this here blog has dwindled a bit. You might have noticed my posts are often delayed and sporadic and definitely not as frequent. I swore I wouldn't be one of those mom's who has a million pictures of her first-born and zero pictures of the last-born. I've tried to make documenting our lives a priority but life happens and I get busy and I find myself not taking as many pictures and not taking the time to sit right here and reflect. But I've recommitted myself to keep it up as much as I can. I'm trying to get back into taking more pictures of the everyday and capturing my kid's childhood. The other day I saw the kids huddled around the computer reminiscing as they looked at previous posts on the blog. It made my heart happy to see them laughing and enjoying the memories that I had captured and preserved. It sure gives me motivation to keep going!
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