October 22, 2018

Sadie's 4th Birthday

Sadie had her 4th birthday yesterday! This year it landed on a Sunday so she was able to celebrate at home and at church.  We started out the morning with Mickey Mouse shaped pancakes, followed up with the opening-of-the-presents.  After church Sadie picked the menu for dinner: popcorn chicken, meatballs, curly fries, and buttered noodles.  When I told her I was also adding a salad, she began to cry! LOL!  We topped off the day with Mickey Mouse cupcakes.  It was a pretty special day.

Here are a few things we all love about Sadie:
Kenzie said, "I love how she draws people.  And I like when she sings, it's adorable!"
Dallin said, "I love her vocabulary and the tone of her voice and the cuteness she brings to our family. I also love watching 'Sadie shows' with her like Muppet Babies."
Dad said, "I love how she's the best at going to bed at night. She lays down in her covers and she says 'sweet dreams, good night!' I also love how she covers her ears when she's scared."
Gennie said, "What I love about Sadie is that she's cute and chubby!" (To which Sadie vehemently disagreed!)
Lulu said, "I like Sadie because I like stealing her blanket.  I like the video she made when she said, 'uh....Dad?'"
Mom said, "I love how Sadie always says, 'uh...a little help here please!!'"


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